A Critic's Meta Review: 4/5

Macbeth by William Shakespeare (1564-1616). Published by planksip

A Critic's Meta Review: 4/5

I am legitimately concerned about how this review is going to go now that I have just said the name of the Bard’s Scottish play outside of the context of preparing for a role in it. Indeed, at least in the world of theater, such an offense is akin to taking the name of the Lord in vain - it is just something you do not do. If you do happen to, under the high intensity hypnosis of hubris, speak the forbidden name within a theater, it is said that nothing short of calamity will result. This is a legitimate concern among professional performers.

Now, you may be thinking to yourself, “well, wait a minute - you are not on a stage, though. So why would it matter whether or not you say the name of the play”. Clearly, you are not a committed devotee of the Bard. This is okay - not everybody has to know everything about William Shakespeare. We cannot all be champagne sipping, crudite munching crusaders of culture, after all. Only some of us can fill that void. It does not have to be you. You do not have to be doing everything - you aren’t God. You’re just you. So just be you. You don’t need a fancy car, or fancy clothes, or a big ol’ college degree from a fancy shmancy college, either. You just need to be able to think, man.

That is all we are asking. Just think.

It ain’t illegal yet.

“All the world’s a stage,” as the line goes, “and all the men and women merely players”. This means that we are all constantly in danger of the curse of Macbeth.

Shit! I said it again!

Now we are truly screwed.

You know what?

Can we strike that from the record? We...we can’t? Oh- okay. Okay. No, no - I understand. It’s fine - really, dude, it’s fine. Let’s just move o- no, I’m not mad at you, man. Of course not. I love you, bro You’re killing it.

The nature of the...Scottish...curse is so intense that I am unable to even quote a piece of dialogue from the play without putting myself at risk. This seemingly direct relationship between overtly referencing the play and experiencing hardship has led many a parent to boycott the assigning of the play until the issue gets resolved. But we all know better than that. We know they’re just kicking the can down the road. Besides, if it hasn’t gotten resolved yet, it isn’t likely to anytime soon.

We’re good.

Macbeth by William Shakespeare (1564-1616). Published by planksip

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