Brent Antonson

Brent Antonson spent years living abroad including extended stints teaching English at universities and schools in Russia, Iraq and China. He’s travelled widely including driving all 50 American states. With his younger brother and their father, they circumnavigated the Northern Hemisphere by train over five journeys including in countries like Belarus, Mongolia and North Korea. And his "Ties That Binds" is being considered for publication. Brent is from Vancouver, Canada (49.15'N 123.6'W).

30 posts

Star Wars: Is it History?

by Brent Antonson in Brent Antonson

Star Wars is a giant movie franchise depicting events happening in a galaxy far away from us. You are probably aware of it. Before they were movies, they were scripts; before that, they were ideas. As the ideas became the evidence, and the screenwriting took on its best form in...

Why I Say Grace

by Brent Antonson in Brent Antonson

Somehow it felt arrogant to believe I actually deserved the food independently by anything I'd done. Without giving thanks, it seemed like I took it for granted. I could not make this myself from scratch...

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