Brent Antonson

Brent Antonson

Vancouver, Canada Website Facebook X/Twitter

Brent Antonson spent years living abroad including extended stints teaching English at universities in Russia, Iraq and China. He circumnavigated the Northern Hemisphere by train over five journeys.

47 posts

If GOD is synonymous with UNIVERSE - God loves any life.

by Brent Antonson

If GOD is synonymous with UNIVERSE, then GOD LOVES ALL LIFE. PROOF! "I look at the world and the universe, at the trees, animals, atoms, and the stars - and I'm struck by the insistence of a world that there be a present, accountable, and all-impressive God...

Allah Forgives An Infidel

by Brent Antonson

I had arrived in Iraq to start a new teaching post. It was 3am and my new boss and his right-hand man didn't look like they wanted to be at a busy airport swarming with unruly, nonplussed security at that time of the morning. They quickly drove me...

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