eBook Announcement:
Chapter 1?
Pairing epistemology with metaphysics, ethics with morals, and political science with law, the foundations of this book and deterministic philosophy of p.(x) will focus on knowledge, conduct, and governance.
[I must insert something here about the necessity of history as a starting point for calculating the vectors of thought. This has a contemporary reference as well]
Pluralistic by praxis, p.(x) philosophy welcomes all thought and thinking. It's important to stress that p.(x) is inclusive of ALL thought and thinking. From the [list several examples of thinkers, artists, composers, et cetera], the poetics of thought are recalled through the audible tidbits of the planksip® app. [Talk about the open source code, technology, and potentiality]
This is tangible, this philosophy is algorithmic. Whether it's propagation is fractal or sequential, the gift is for all of the humanity.
[insert picture of a commercially available Bluetooth device]
It's relatively easy to reflect on mythology as irrelevant and childlike. Yet one aggregate example surfaces as we examine social coherence, and realize the effect and the necessity of mythology for our begotten brethren. The necessity is manifest in our psychology as we know it.
The Upanishads of 800 to 600 B.C. created the concept of Atman sparking a breath of fire within humanity. [Steiner reference about fire, volcano, and eruption is beautiful, then tie it back to the breath of Brahma]. Buddha's teachings prohibit killing, theft, and introduce morality. Starting with the Hindu Upanishads, the fire of humanity still burns within. Buddha introduces morality. Upanishads like the internal with the external while the Homeric epics highlight internal conflict and struggle. From the fire within to a battle within one's self, complexity is intelligence simplified. Sophists unknowingly dismiss complexity, and thus the sophist teachings are hard to replicate. Only philosophy, starting with Homer, or Socrates (depending on which scholar your reference), is inward and critical. This primordial delineation signals a shift to self-replication individual intelligence. Empowering individuals to criticize must exist, even in collective communities. Marx may have accepted this but Marxists not so much.
There is a Möbius return to destiny, or deterministic sensibilities with and through the p.(x) philosophy. We will return here throughout the book. From the pre-Socratic to contemporary discussion on the Free Will Debate, determinism discussions undermine individual liberties. Liberalistic Communism you say? Hog wash!
Ok, so where does determinism come into play?
More on this to come.