As our social influence and membership on grow, we are continuing to broaden our voice with a variety of writers and content creators.

We are looking for writers with a proclivity towards climate change, animal welfare, social injustice and community as a whole.

The starting point for our media outlet is, broadly speaking, on philosophy and culture, the wellspring for which is deep for the right person to develop their writer's voice on a wide social canvas. The narratives we curate are intended to be impactful and should signal justified truth, discovery with a willingness to understand multiple perspectives.

The right individual will be an autonomous individual, self-driven and innately motivated to enhance their learning journey. This may should cliché but a learning focus is a meridian that makes all of us humble and open to other counterfactuals of reasoning. Will you be best known for championing the probabilistic approach to artificial intelligence and the development of Bayesian networks? Could you possibly elaborate on a theory of causal and counterfactual inference based on structural models? How about empathy models of forgiveness and consideration of consciousness in other living entities. Are you politically neutral or indifferent? How would you articulate the difference between the two?

planksip will grow as a brand for thought leaders, making you (if you accept this call to action), a brand in itself for your success will manifest in the success of planksip as an entity. Are you up to the challenge?

Training is available but you have to be open to learn and be the very best you can be (cliché #2).

Duties include:
- Weekly submittals to our Figures of Speech section using the planksip free for all (FFA) technique.
- Daily assignments, or responsions, to social issues and philosophical thought. (ie. we want to know what you are thinking and have you articulate that thought in a written expression).
- Co-creation in video and/or voice-over projects.
- Research independently as required.
- Responding to editorial revisions in a timely and professional manner.

Desirable Skills:
- Strong interviewing skills
- Journalism or creative writing experience
- Desire to advance your visibility in the public sphere of influence
- A self-sourcing of images representing your materials


Freelancer Role:
- $1 CDN per word, open deadlines and project-orientated submissions. To be a qualified free-lancer with planksip ALL writers will have some brand equity and demonstrate an ability to leverage their social following.
- Developing a dedicated theme or multiple themes to consistently write about. Own it!

NOTE: If you are selected for an interview, we are also hiring for a full-time $4,000 CDN per month contract position as well as recruiting for non-paid contributor roles. Please let your interviewer know if either of these roles is of interest.

Full-Time Contract:
- $4,000 CDN per month for 40+ hours per week. Reduced schedules and compensation are negotiable.
- Bonuses are paid on performance, which is outlined during the extensive 2-week onboarding process.

Contributor Roll:
1. Demonstrate creative initiative regarding co-creating content for yourself and other coop members
2. Growing your personal brand on and beyond
3. Technical proficiency in the planksip CMS.
4. Being an excellent planksip writer!
OPTIONAL: Graduate of the planksip writer's practicum, or participation in the planksip membership cooperative.