Bill Meacham, Ph.D.

What's What: Philosophical Writings Bill Meacham got his college and university degrees in philosophy and then left that field to make his living as a programmer, software designer, project manager and requirements analyst. But he never quit thinking about the nature of reality and his place in it, the nature of human beings and how it makes sense to live our lives.

37 posts

Ways to Say "Should"

by Bill Meacham, Ph.D. in Bill Meacham, Ph.D.

There is good reason to believe that moral entities do not exist objectively, because it is a matter of empirical fact that people disagree about them in a way that they do not disagree about physical reality.

On Faith

by Bill Meacham, Ph.D. in Bill Meacham, Ph.D.

You are not justified, however, in imposing your faith on others. Your evidence is not objectively authoritative; it is valid only for you and others who have had similar experiences.

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