Good or bad? Indifference is not an option.

When we build, let us think that we build forever.
— John Ruskin (1819-1900)
Indifference is the Opposite of Love. Another möbius by planksip

Indifference is the Opposite of Love

Good or bad? Indifference is not an option.

When we build, let us think that we build forever.
— John Ruskin (1819-1900)

The titled responsion is "Good or bad? Indifference is not an option." What follows is subject to revision, do you have any suggestions?

John Ruskin - planksip
John Ruskin was the leading English art critic of the Victorian era, as well as an art patron, draughtsman, watercolourist, a prominent social thinker and philanthropist.

What do John Ruskin and Daniel Sanderson have in common? Find out on planksip.

When we build, let us think that we build forever.

Indifference is the Great Escape!

Inspired by Marcel Proust's (1871-1922) quote, "Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey." The titled responsion is painfully hard to accept but accept we must!

Marcel Proust - planksip
Marcel Proust was a French novelist, critic, and essayist best known for his monumental novel À la recherche du temps perdu, published in seven parts between 1913 and 1927.

What does Marcel Proust have in common with other intellectual giants of the past? Find out on planksip.

Escaping the reality of others is a signature move of the us-versus-them dichotomy. Indifference is the result while outcomes are predicted to increase aggression and are antithetical to peaceful coexistence. Fix your broken promises and expand on these themes.

For most people, indifference is a great escape. While we can be so captivated by our favorite TV shows or movies, that we forget about what's going on in our own lives, we can still find some ways to keep ourselves occupied and keep from becoming too bored. Some people prefer to read and watch television shows and movies, while others simply like to take a walk outside.

But for others, boredom is a great escape, and what's more important than just being entertained? Perhaps it's not the amount of money you spend on entertainment that counts so much, but rather the amount of time spent on that entertainment. Some people have a great deal of interest in books and movies, but they often find it difficult to put them down in the end.

Of course, a book might be just the thing for you if you find yourself with nothing to do after a long day. The writer's mind might be too busy to think of anything else, but then you get out the book, turn it over and see that it is filled with beautiful pictures, a story about the author and his life, and you may even get a message from the author himself telling you how much he loves you. Then all you have to do is sit down, close your eyes, and begin to read. The time will pass slowly, even if you're only reading a few pages a day.

There is no time when you can't read a book; it doesn't matter if you're working, sleeping, or playing with the children. You can always turn the pages slowly or at an extremely fast rate, and you won't feel the time passing because the reader is busy reading, too. And there are millions of books in the world, so you should never run out of choices.

But when you want to find entertainment or a break from the boredom of daily life, and you aren't interested in something as simplistic as a book or movie, you may want to try a game of tennis or a round of golf. These are oftentimes the best way to get your mind off of your problems and distract you from being so engrossed in them. Tennis and golf are both great games of fun and fitness that allow you to exercise your muscles while enjoying the game itself.

It's important to remember that while these games are enjoyable, they are also physical activities. They're not going to help you relax or unwind, so you must give some attention to your mind if you're going to use them as entertainment and relaxation aids. You should also remember to keep the games simple and focused on the game itself rather than thinking about the game itself.

Tennis and golf should be part of your daily activities. You'll find that tennis is great for relieving stress, while golf is a great physical workout. So don't give up either game entirely, but try to use your imagination to make each game as enjoyable as possible.

Another great option for boredom relief is a good night's sleep. You need to ensure that you are getting enough sleep and that you aren't suffering from insomnia. Getting plenty of sleep is essential for your brain to function properly and stay sharp, and if you find that you have trouble falling asleep, this can lead to mental problems.

Some mental illnesses and problems such as anxiety are brought on by poor health. Try to eat well and exercise, and make sure to get plenty of freshwaters every day. All these things will help you feel better and keep you mentally alert.

The last thing you need is negativity in any form; you need to stay positive. If you are constantly worrying and thinking negatively, you won't be able to concentrate and enjoy life very much, so don't let your outlook on life be as negative as this will only make it more difficult for you.

So instead of giving up, give yourself a break and look for boredom relief, because boredom is a great escape!!

Indifference is the Opposite of Love; Another möbius by planksip

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