Elon's Motivation

lunar eclipse
Red Planet Salvation or Utopia? Another planksip Möbius.

Red Planet Salvation or Utopia?

You're on earth. There's no cure for that.
— Samuel Beckett (1906-1989)
Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.
— Thomas Sowells (1930-present)
Red Planet Salvation or Utopia? Another planksip Möbius.

The planksip Writers' Cooperative is proud to sponsor an exciting article rewriting competition where you can win over $750,000 in prize money.

Figures of Speech Collection Personified

Our editorial instructions for your contest submission are simple: incorporate the quotes and imagery from the above article into your submission.
What emerges is entirely up to you!

Winners receive $500 per winning entry multiplied by the article's featured quotes. Our largest prize is $8,000 for rewriting the following article;

“I see!” said Homer
A deluded entry into Homer starkly contrasts the battles and hero-worship that united our Western sensibilities and the only psychology that we no? Negation is what I often refer to as differentiation within and through the individual’s drive to individuate.

At planksip, we believe in changing the way people engage; at least, that's the Idea (ἰδέα). By becoming a member of our thought-provoking community, you'll have the chance to win incredible prizes and access our extensive network of media outlets that will amplify your voice as a thought leader. Your membership truly matters!

Joining the planksip Writer’s Cooperative
The planksip writers cooperative gives members writing assignments, of which they compete for cash prizes. This article highlights the benefits of membership as well as outlines the rules and guidelines for submissions. Becoming a planksip writer is easier than you think.
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