Put Away Your Spectacles

Put Away Your Spectacles

Life's a Bitch for this Puppy Wearing Pedadoggy - Another planksip Möbius.

Life's a Bitch for this Puppy-Wearing Pedadoggy

In the small, sleepily serene town of Willow's End, where the susurration of silver-leaved trees whispered the secrets of the woods to anyone who cared to listen, lived a puppy known to all as Alexander. His days were spent meandering through the cobblestone streets, a pair of round, clear glasses perched on his snout, a gift from the old watchmaker who saw wisdom behind the young canine's hazelnut eyes. His curious nature led him to every doorstep, each with a story to tell, but not all were tales of joy. For even in a town that seemed to have sprung forth from the pages of a fairy tale, hardship had its place. And so, it was often murmured, with a mix of endearment and sympathy, that "Life's a Bitch for this Puppy Wearing Pedadoggy."

Alexander's quest for knowledge was a solitary one, but his loneliness was not born of choice. It was a reflection, perhaps, of the town itself—a place where the old ways clung like ivy to the stone walls of progress. Each book he read, every lesson he learned, was a step toward understanding the world beyond Willow's End, and yet, with each step, he felt further away from those who frolicked without the burden of existential thoughts. His keen mind wrapped itself around complexities and conundrums, while his heart longed for the simple joy of companionship.

The days gave way to months, and months spun into years, until Alexander was no longer a puppy by any measure but that of spirit. It was a crisp autumn evening when Sophia wandered into town. Her arrival was unannounced, and her presence was like a breeze that stirred the leaves after a long stillness. She was an artist, with eyes that saw the world in a kaleidoscope of colors and a soul that painted emotions onto the canvas of reality.

As fate would have it, their paths crossed under the canopy of golden foliage. Alexander, with his pedadoggy glasses, and Sophia, with a paintbrush tucked behind her ear, shared an instant that held the weight of eons. She saw in him not the reflection of herself but the echo of the town's spirit—a soul that held wisdom and melancholy in equal measure.

Women have served all these centuries as looking-glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size.
— Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

Sophia's presence in Willow's End was like the turning of a page to a chapter that Alexander hadn't realized was missing from the story of his life. She reflected not his size, but his spirit, and in her company, he felt seen for the first time—not for the glasses that magnified his eyes, but for the depth behind them. With each conversation, each shared silence, he found his world expanding, not diminishing. And though Sophia held up a mirror that reflected his larger-than-life yearning for understanding, it was her ability to see him as he truly was that gave Alexander a sense of peace he had never known.

As autumn leaves turned to winter's blanket, Sophia became to Alexander the looking-glass that reflected not the size but the depth of a man—or rather, a dog—who had for so long seen himself through the distorting prism of his own isolation. In the quiet companionship of Sophia, Alexander found his natural size, and it was enough.

Life's a Bitch for this Puppy Wearing Pedadoggy - Another planksip Möbius.

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