Let My People Grow


The price of emancipation is determination; of the self, of one’s future, and how - or whether - one gets there.  It is a covenant between today and tomorrow, and exodus is never easy. No-one can walk the desert for you, and you may be walking towards a mirage.  Freedom’s burden is choice, and the consequences of it...oppression’s only solace is that the blame for unfulfilled dreams can be laid upon the oppressor.  In its absence, we bear sole responsibility for our failure to reach the promised land.

Not everyone is designed for life beyond the walls - there is comfort in the warm cocoon of familiarity, contentment with constraints.  But as these fledgling peregrine men discovered, the repeating lesson of humanity is the destruction of the status quo - the key is adaptability.

Whether their goal is a mirage or not is irrelevant: it is simply enough to walk.

Let My People Grow - 36" x 48", Acrylic on Linen